Dr. Nurfikri Norjoharuddeen and Nurul Hidayah Mohamad Nor from National Centre for Particle Physics (NCPP) were honoured with an invitation by Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) to contribute their expertise for the Phase-a beam testing of Coherent Muon to Electron Transition (COMET) at their research facility in Tokai-mura, Ibaraki, Japan from 27th February – 12th March 2023.

Our NCPP researchers were also joined together with selected Malaysian universities as well as international experts (Photo credits to Prof. Yoshi Uchida of Imperial College London). The trip amounting to GBP 50,000 was fully funded by the United Kingdom Research and Innovation Research Fund (UKRI).
The goal of the COMET experiment is to search for charged lepton flavour violating (CLFV) processes of neutrinoless muon-to-electron (μ-e) conversion. UM’s ardent NCPP members have been contributing to the COMET experiment since 2013 with support from international fundings such as the Newton-STFC: Collaborative Research for Higher Level STEM Skills in Malaysia and UKRI.
NCPP established in 2013 focuses on understanding the most fundamental constituents of our Universe and the forces acting between them. NCPP works for the coordination of particle physics research collaboration in Malaysia with world-class research institutes. NCPP is actively involved in large experimental collaborations involving the high-energy frontier with European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), Switzerland and the high-intensity frontier with Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), Japan.

Photos by Prof Yoshi Uchida of Imperial College